Hack The Box :: ForwardSlash

#LFI #RFI #XXE #XSS #customcrypto #LUKS



ForwardSlash is a Hard Linux box created by InfoSecJack and chivato. It was released on April 4th, 2020 and retired on July 4th, 2020. The users rated the difficulty 6.3/10 and gave an appreciation score of 3.8/5.

ForwardSlash Info Card
ForwardSlash Info Card


We access a website defaced by a hacker group. Checking for VHOSTs, we find a backup website with a login page. We can register and log in. The vulnerable feature has been poorly disabled as we can still call it to access a developer page that is protected by IP filtering. The feature is vulnerable to LFI and we can retrieve the pages source code with a PHP wrapper. The user chiv password is hardcoded in one of them. Once connected through SSH, we find multiples notes left by chiv that lead us to a backup config file that should contain the old database credentials. We exploit a SUID binary backup (owned by pain) to read that config file and retrieve pain password and therefore, the user flag. In pain home folder we find an encrypted file and the script used to encrypt it. We retrieve the encryption key with a dictionary attack. It message leaks the password of a LUKS image. pain is a sudoer…




Cyber Security Professional and CTFer from Switzerland.