Hack The Box :: ServMon

#NVMS-1000 #ArbitraryFileRead #NSClient++

6 min readJun 20, 2020


ServMon is an Easy Windows box created by dmw0ng. It was released on April 11th, 2020 and retired on June 20th, 2020. The users rated the difficulty 4.1/10 and gave an appreciation score of 2.1/5.

ServMon Info Card


We access an FTP server anonymously to retrieve some information about a password file in nathan home directory. A directory traversal/arbitrary file read vulnerability on a NVMS-1000 instance allows us to read this file and get nadine password. We can log in through SSH to retrieve the user flag. Another website exposes an NSClient++ instance. We can read the admin password from its configuration file. We then exploit a known authenticated privilege escalation vulnerability to get the root flag.

Note: unless otherwise stated, all commands and scripts you will find below are run on macOS. Especially sed and base64 syntax may slightly differ from Linux versions. Python 3 is the preferred interpreter.

Table of Contents

[1] Reconnaissance & Enumeration
[1.1] Open Ports
[1.2] Web discovery - 80
[1.3] Web discovery - 8443
[1.4] FTP




Cyber Security Professional and CTFer from Switzerland.