My last post on Medium…

1 min readJan 13, 2021


This year, I decided to move away from Medium and build my own blog to have a little more freedom. Even if I liked Medium for its simplicity, it is missing a lot of basic features that I want to add to my technical blog posts (e.g tables, colors, content search, code blocks, table of contents…to name a few).

You will find the first iteration of my website at There is still a lot to fine-tune…

I will slowly port my Medium posts there, but you can already enjoy my new write-up on the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2020:

I wish you all a wonderful year and a happy hacking!! Don’t ever stop learning and being curious. And remember that being a “noob” is not a bad thing, it is a state of mind. The state of a person who is eager to learn, improve, and push their own limits.





Cyber Security Professional and CTFer from Switzerland.